TPACK( Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework) Model is a model that inegrates the new technological knowledge with the other knowledges (Pedagogical and Content Knowledges) as well as the other knowledges with each other to form new kinds of knowledges such as Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). The combination of all of the knowledges it TPACK( Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework). For more detailed information, click here.
SAMR model is about redifining your way of teaching with the aid of technology, however this redefinition does not start immedieately.
You first Enchance your teaching by Substituting the content of your class, for example a textbook, with technology and then augmenting it by using a technological tool to replacing it.
After Enchantment comes the Transformation, you trans form a class by modifiying it. This means you modify the structure of your class, for example you make a video of you explaining the content of your class beforehand and send it to your students and then you have more time in the class thus you have modified your classroom to your advantage.
In the end there is redefinition, it means to redifine and to be able to change after modifying, to have brand new ways of doing your job, redifine the job, redifine the way the students are learning. The teachers only give the students the basics, how they do and what they do is up to them, and they can create their own content using the basic knowledge and it gives strenght to the students.
For more information, please check this video.
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